Monosodium Glutamate

Home / Monosodium Glutamate

Item #: MS505
CAS #: [6106-04-3]
M.Wt: 187.13
M.Fm: C5H8NNaO4. H2O

A white, practically odorless, free-flowing crystals or crystalline powder. It is freely soluble in water and sparingly soluble in alcohol. The pH of a 1 in 20 solution is between 6.7 and 7.2.

Functional use in food: Flavor enhancer.

Assay ……………………………………… 99% min
Heavy metals (Pb) ……………………………………… 0.002% max.
Arsenic (As2O3) ……………………………………… 2 ppm max.
Chloride (CI) ……………………………………… 0.2% max.
Specific rotation ………………………………………+24.8° to +25.3°
Solubility ……………………………………….74.0 gr/100 ml water at 25°C
112.0 gr/100 ml water at 60°C
Loss on drying ……………………………………….0.5% max.
Note: This product complies with FCCIV standard

Mesh Range:
Medium Crystal: 20-40 mesh
Small Crystal: 30-80 mesh
Fine Crystal: 60-120 mesh

Available in 25 kg kraft paper bags. Store in closed bags or containers.

Shelf Life: 2 Years