
Home / Xylitol

Item #: XY500
CAS No: [87-99-0]
M.Wt: 152.15
M.Fm: C5H12O5

Chemical Description: 1,2,3,4,5-Pentahydroxypentane

White crystals or crystalline powder. Xylitol is found in most fruits and berries, as well as in vegetables. It has a sweet taste and produces a cooling sensation in the mouth. One g dissolves in about 0.65 mL of water. It is sparingly soluble in alcohol.

Applications: Nutritive sweetener.

Identification …………………….……………………….. Per requirement
Assay (dry basis) ……………………………………………… 98.5 – 101.0%
Moisture ……………………………………………… ≤ 0.5%
Reducing Sugars (as glucose)………………………………………….… ≤ 0.2%
Other Polyols ……………………………………………… ≤ 2.0%
Heavy Metals (as Pb) ……………………………………………… ≤ 10 ppm
Melting Range ……………………………………………… 92 – 96ºC
Arsenic ……………………………………………… ≤ 3 ppm
Lead ……………………………………………… ≤ 1 ppm
pH in Aqueous Solution ……………………………………………… 5.0 – 7.0
Residue on Ignition ……………………………………………… ≤ 0.5%

Shelf Life: 4 years

Packaging and Storage:
Preserved in 25 kg bags. Store in well-closed containers in a dry place.